A 14-day upgrade for women who are burned out by exercise & want more from working out.

Start using your body's built-in system & mirroring your hormones for better results.

    Learn how to optimize workouts for your female body—get better energy, more muscle, and less stress when you ditch the workout dread and start looking forward to exercise.

    Women need a better way to work out because we are not the same every day.


    Cyclical Strategy

    It's time to ditch the linear training approach and start mirroring the wisdom of your cyclical body with exercise.


    Body-Informed Workouts

    Your energy, performance, and metabolic priorities change according to your hormones and your workouts should too!



    Learn how to work out smarter, not harder. This means knowing when to give it your all and when to give it a rest.

    Start looking forward to exercise when you stop working OUT & start working IN.

    What You Get:

    A menstrual cycle-informed roadmap of exercise that will help you look forward to workouts because they don't stress you out

    ​Daily video and email check-ins with easy wins to build muscle memory and sustainable workout habits that keep you showing up consistently

    30-minute daily workout videos that are designed with your cycle in mind to help you avoid burnout, stubborn weight gain, and fatigue

    A full calendar of 20+ workouts that is yours to keep.​ These workouts use minimal equipment (dumbbells only) and can be done from home or gym!

    ​All you have to do is show up for 30 minutes a day!

    Decode the innate technology that you have as a woman—your hormones!

    Here’s what real women with real cycles are saying about these workouts

    ​Body wisdom begins with workouts that fit YOU.

    We’ll touch on five elements of a sustainable workout habit—joy, consistency, progress, less stress, and trust—to help you fall in love with exercise.

      Take the Upgrade for FREE