Exercise for Your Cycle 101: Menstrual Phase

What’s Happening?

Your period doesn’t have to be a choice between powering through workouts and hitting pause on exercise. Discover supportive movement that promotes grounding and downward flow of energy during your menstrual phase.

Hormones + Metabolism

Research by Alisa Vitti has shown that with hormones at their lowest levels during the menstrual phase, you’re better able to connect the left and right brain hemispheres. This can give you access to a clear perspective that is both pragmatic and sensitive. If you’re feeling analytical, chances are, you’re in your menstrual phase whether bleeding occurs or not.


The clearest signal of this phase is bleeding. However, despite the shed of the uterine lining during your period, menstruation is considered a vaginally “dry” phase. You may experience cramping, bloating, tiredness, and muscle aches as a result of the hormone slump. Not sure when your period is coming? Track your basal body temperature and you will see it drop just before your period begins into the 97.0-97.5 °F (36.1-36.4 °C) range.


With hormone levels at their lowest and metabolism elevated, excessive exercise in this phase can shift the body into muscle wasting for energy with increased cortisol—which can result in higher fat storage. Focus instead on gentle yoga and more importantly, rest. Enjoy lunae workouts for the menstrual phase up to 4 times during your period. Focus on rest and restorative movement in the first few days, gradually progressing to more dynamic yoga practices as your flow ends.

How to Move

Restorative Postures + Passive Stretching

Treat your muscles and joints to longer holds and deeper relaxation to increase circulation and promote healthy flow. Allow yourself space to breathe and reflect.

Gentle Yoga + Flow-Friendly Inversions

Stay close to the ground in slow flowing postures and spend time with your legs up the wall to increase blood flow to the heart and slow the heart rate.

Belly-Down Backbends + Forward Bends

Massage the sacral organs in prone postures to encourage flow and alleviate uterine cramps. Clear space in the low spine and back of the heart by turning inward through forward bends.

Hip Openers + Mobility

Allow space in the hips and pelvis to facilitate downward flow of energy and blood. Release energetic stagnation that may have accumulated during the previous cycle and nourish muscles that may be sore from strength training in the luteal phase.


Be in nature, breathe fresh air, and move your body in a way that feels good. Allow this to be a moving meditation in which you welcome any anxiety or fear that may arise. Use gentle movement to process this energy and let it dissolve.

When to Move

Gentle evening movement is the most supportive. Stick to low intensity and slow flow movement that supports your preparation for sleep.

Want to learn how to adjust your workouts to match your energy levels throughout the month?

Check out my 14-day cycle-syncing workshop for women who are burned out by exercise & want more from working out.


Exercise for Your Cycle 101: Follicular Phase


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