Welcome to the moon room.
Did you know you can leverage your hormonal chemistry and preserve your energy levels all month long?
The Moon Room is lunae collective’s one-stop resource for how to work out at home for women. Explore ways you can support your unique menstrual rhythm with movement.
5 Tips For The Best At-Home Workouts
There are a lot of reasons why you might be moving your workouts to your homebase. Whatever your motivation is for sweating it out at home, there are a few quick ways that you can make the most of your at-home workouts and stay motivated along the way.
Tools for Embodiment: Mantra
While workouts alone can bring a host of benefits for mind and body, the practice of embodied exercise can up level any movement style to create mindful habits, carve new neural pathways, and help us show up the way we want to in the world. When we layer instruments of embodiment onto a workout or exercise routine, we create a practice of self care that can have lasting impact on our well being.
Exercise for Your Cycle 101: Luteal Phase
The luteal phase is the longest in the cycle and carries you from ovulation until the onset of flow. The second half of the cycle begins with high energy levels, but as hormones taper off the late luteal phase is typically when women experience symptoms of PMS. This is a key time for listening to your body and employing movement as an instrument of self-care.
Exercise for Your Cycle 101: Ovulatory Phase
This is a time to move the way you love and often. Though shortest in duration, this phase of the cycle generally boasts the highest hormone levels—namely testosterone and estrogen—which give you access to explosive power and sustained exertion.
Exercise for Your Cycle 101: Follicular Phase
The follicular phase is the 7-10 day timeframe between the end of your period and ovulation. Alisa Vitti refers to the this phase as the body “waking up.”
Exercise for Your Cycle 101: Menstrual Phase
Your period doesn’t have to be a choice between powering through workouts and hitting pause on exercise. Discover supportive movement that promotes grounding and downward flow of energy during your menstrual phase
5 Ways to Make the Most out of your Workouts
For women, exercise is not as simple as keeping energy out > energy in. Burning more calories than you take in does not necessarily result in shedded pounds.